The developer of medical (software) systems for quality improvement in healthcare
Standout through innovation
That is the mission Msys Medical Systems®.
Because we believe that the recovery of orthopedic and movement related complaints can be faster, more effective and cheaper.
Msys Medical Systems is an international Medtech company. We develop and deliver high-quality health care products.
The products of Msys are the tools for you for effective movement therapy for patients: based on measurement, testing, training, treatment, recording and evaluation.
Pelvictrainer: a high-quality, non-invasive device designed for effective pelvic floor training.
Medicalbench: a monitoring system designed to enhance treatment outcomes by sharing and implementing best practices.
Painmouse: a valuated & validated pain measurement device for accurately assessing pain levels in patients.
Our services
We offer concepts, technology and products.
B2B: Strengthen your sales portfolio through Msys technology and products.
B2P: Apply our products in your medical practice and experience the advantages of validated equipment.
B2C: Experience the power of our innovative technology and reach for results.
Thought Leadership
The Dynamic ArthroMyofascial Translation® Test (DAMT®Test) method, developed by Physio Physics, is the basis for the Msys innovations.
The 4xT® treatment protocols are for low back, pelvis, hip, knee, ankle, neck, shoulder, elbow and wrist.
Some products and services of Msys Medical Systems

Kinesiological tape
Easytape is a kinesiological tape. Stabilises joints, releases pain, supports muscle control and helps healing process.

Pelvic floor rehabilitation
The Pelvictrainer is a medical device. Reduces complaints like incontinence through training pelvic floor muscles guidance.
Medical Bench

Benchmark software
Medical Bench supports your improvements processes by comparing medical results of other medical professionals.
Msys Medical Systems® has expertise in the field of medical technology and treatments, physiotherapy, sports and exercise, statistics and sensor technology.
By combining these specialties, we are able to create products that bring results.
We have our methods and products researched scientifically. In addition, we test and validate these in practice like the effect of pelvic floor training with the Pelvictrainer in relation to stress incontinence.
Validation in practice contributes significantly to our innovation process. From all this research you receive the result.
Msys also conducts fundamental research into process data and the associated signal analysis (Machine learning and Observability).
When you are interested in cooperation, distribution or have any questions please contact us using the details below.
We offer Black Belt LEAN Six Sigma consultancy and support for implementation of SNOMED and ICHOM Standard sets.
Medical Bench
Do you like to receive more information? Please contact us then.
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Contact Netherlands
Msys B.V.
Van Breugelplantsoen 42
3771 VR Barneveld
The Netherlands
Mail: info@msys.eu
Contact Switzerland
Msys Technology GmbH
Klausstrasse 44
CH-8008 Zürich
Tel.: +41 44 383 19 54
Mail: info@msys-international.com