Tel: +31 34 240 8760


The Pelvictrainer

World's first external pelvic floor trainer for men and women

Train on strength, coordination, endurance and relaxation

The Pelvictrainer is a medical device as a solution for strength and coordination improvement of the pelvic floor muscles and for the treatment of disruptions of the pelvic floor. The Pelvictrainer can be used by women, men and children with clothing on at the (pelvic) physiotherapist, at a medical center or in the gym.

The Pelvictrainer® offers you:

  • A comfortable training of your pelvic floor with clothing on
  • An optimal biofeedback and antigravity training
  • An easy to use program: clear and menu-driven
  • A report of your performance, speed and power
  • The ability to exercise both contraction and relaxation, but also stability
  • No undesirable loss of urine when laughing, coughing or jumping
  • A better sex life
  • Less back and pelvic complaints;
  • Workout programs to train strength, speed, endurance and coordination;
  • A modular construction allowing you to grow from Home- to Medical fitness version
  • A product that meets the high safety standards for medical equipment;



Do you like to receive more information? Please contact us then.

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Contact Netherlands

Msys B.V.
Van Breugelplantsoen 42
3771 VR Barneveld
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 34 240 8760


Contact Switzerland

Msys Technology GmbH
Klausstrasse 44
CH-8008 Zürich

Tel.: +41 44 383 19 54


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